Hoi everyone! My name is Marcin and i live in the Netherlands for almost 4 years, but i dont speak that good Dutch to use it freely, so thats why im typing now in english.
I just have bought a house in the Netherlands wit a CV ketel Vaillant Vhr-C 24/28 which is 17 years old (Date of production is 2005) There was a servis and we saw that last service was in 2016! I have appointment on tuesday for a new conservation. A inspector has measured like gas leaking and many other things and there is three way knob to be replaced which is steering where the water goes ( i dont know the name of that part in Dutch - i`m sorry! But i hope You know what i mean).
So my question is: I just noticed that when there is a number "8" on screen apper, the screen is blinking, like, its even hard to explain, like half of the screen is going darker and the number "8" is getting brighter. I`m gonna upload a photo how the screen looks like, i hope You will understand. Is it something to worry about? Should i tell the servisant on tuestay about that? Thank You for any answers en Ik wens je een fijne dag!

I just have bought a house in the Netherlands wit a CV ketel Vaillant Vhr-C 24/28 which is 17 years old (Date of production is 2005) There was a servis and we saw that last service was in 2016! I have appointment on tuesday for a new conservation. A inspector has measured like gas leaking and many other things and there is three way knob to be replaced which is steering where the water goes ( i dont know the name of that part in Dutch - i`m sorry! But i hope You know what i mean).
So my question is: I just noticed that when there is a number "8" on screen apper, the screen is blinking, like, its even hard to explain, like half of the screen is going darker and the number "8" is getting brighter. I`m gonna upload a photo how the screen looks like, i hope You will understand. Is it something to worry about? Should i tell the servisant on tuestay about that? Thank You for any answers en Ik wens je een fijne dag!